Steeply rising wine prices

Due to the drought, at the end of July, the National Council of Mountain Villages ordered an extraordinary crop estimate to assess the effects of the drought, and the grape price forecast for this year was also prepared.

We have written several times about how drought damage clearly affects the Great Plains region (about the drought here, here and here we articled). It was foreseeable that the natural damage would also be reflected in consumer prices.

The largest region, the Kunság wine region according to its owners, it was essential to sell their products at much higher prices than in recent years. The wine production of the wine region averages around 1 million hectoliters over several years. Most of the wine, about ¾ of it, is sold on the domestic market in the context of everyday wine consumption (source: HNT).

The price forecast was finally published at the end of August, but only for those wine regions where the viticulture delegates of the mountain commune council made a decision. The Kunsági Borvidék price forecast can be viewed below left.

The forecast shows that the sales price of wines produced and sold in Hungary without a geographical indication, as well as those with a protected geographical indication, increased by about 10%, to a total of HUF 25,6 thousand per hectoliter in the first eight months of 2022, the compared to the same period last year. 

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Photos: DKMT Wine

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