Parliamentary Bora results announcement

On September 23, the winning wines of the 2022 Parliament Wine Competition were announced. For this year's wine sampling, 181 bottles from 89 wineries were received in the nine announced categories. For the sixth year now, this selection helps provide high-quality, unique domestic wines to foreign and domestic delegations and guests visiting the Parliament. The wines competed in the most characteristic categories of the Carpathian basin before the expert jury. 

Miklós Kállay, chairman of the board and honorary president of the Hungarian Wine Academy, said about the work of the twenty-one-member judging committee that they worked according to the 100-point judging system used in international practice. The quality of the selected wines can worthily represent Hungary and build the country's image, he added.

In this year's selections, the rosé 2021 wine of Pince Néró in Szentpéteri was the best in the rosé category. Boat producer Csaba Koch received two awards, in the kadarka and rosé categories. 

The award ceremony traditionally took place in the Hunting Room of the Parliament. 

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Photos: Wikpedia Commons 

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