Hungarians don't just like to drink wine, they also constantly expand their wine-related knowledge. Knowledge of the type of wine, wineries and wine regions, which are also the primary determinants of wine consumption habits.
Hilltop's non-representative research confirms that consumers choose wines based on the type of wine and the wineries and are primarily looking for new products from producers they already know. However, more than a quarter of them now choose the product to buy based on the wine regions! This indicator was much lower in recent years, so obviously the Csongrád wine region, the Hajós–Bajai wine region and the Kunság wine region can also claim significant progress in terms of recognition.
Only 43,2% of respondents guessed correctly how many wine regions there are in Hungary, but more than two-thirds of the respondents knew the number of wine regions in Hungary (22).
During the research, it was revealed that a significant part of the respondents are still not aware of which region their favorite wine comes from, so it is necessary to improve the knowledge of the wine-consuming society in the future.
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