Wine-growing "oases" in Bánát - Bánát wine region

Wine-growing "oases" in Bánát - Bánát wine region

The Banat wine region does not form a single area, but consists of so-called oases, which are Nagykikinda (Kikinda), Nagybecskerek (Zrenjanin) and Versec (Vrsac) are grouped around.

Nagykikinda was once a famous wine-growing region, but over time the vineyards were exterminated, and only "die-hard wine lovers" saved the old estates from destruction. Today, however, more and more young winemakers are appearing, who attract attention by renovating old plantations or planting new ones. In addition to the traditional cabernet sauvignon, chardonnay, Riesling from the Rhine, pinot noir and merlot, Serbian grape varieties such as "Morava", which can withstand the lower temperatures found in the plains, are increasingly being planted. The other "new style" variety is "probus", which was created by crossing cabernet sauvignon and kadarka.

Regarding the area around Nagykikinda, the biggest "oases" are in the area of ​​Nákófalva (Nakovo), which lies next to the Romanian border. We recommend this area especially to those who love Italian Riesling or Cabernet Sauvignon, or especially Hamburg Muscat. The Zaveštaj (Heritage) winery operates in Nákófalva, the name of which also refers to nurturing generational traditions. The owner Tešić family not only inherited the plantations, but also the "old recipe" of winemaking, to which each generation added its knowledge and work. They also make pálinka, as we have seen in other Vojvodina wineries, but the emphasis here is also on the wines, especially on the production of white wines. This area includes the Tiszahegyesi (You're drinking) are also winemakers who, in addition to szasla, like merlot and cabernet sauvignon and are happy to produce rosé-type wines as well.

The oases of Tiszatarrós (Тараш) and Arad (Аradac) are among the Central Banat oases. The Tiszatarrós wine association has about thirty members, and they mostly like merlot. About 15 hectares of grapes are grown around the settlement, but not in a uniform area, but in smaller plots, because almost every family in the village has its own plantation, on which Merlot was introduced in addition to the local, i.e., the "Slankamen" from Zalánkemén (Novi Slankamen) and the Prokupac variety , cabernet sauvignon and riesling. Aradi is located in the neighborhood of Nagybecskerek, where grapes are also grown, they especially like the blue varieties, such as cabernet sauvignon or merlot, küvé and siller.

The southernmost oases of the Banat wine region are located around Versec and Fehértemplom (Bela Crkva), where, in addition to kadarka, kövidinka and slankamen, sászla is increasingly spreading along with other table grape varieties. Versec was not only a center of winemaking in South Banat, but at one time in the whole of Yugoslavia, as Vršački Vinogradi was established here, which "served" the entire country with wine, and accordingly, grapes were grown on 1700 hectares around Versec. For many decades, their most famous wine was the dry white wine bottled under the name Banatski Riesling, which was an indispensable drink in Serbian restaurants. It is clear that it is a white grape region, although there are also kékfrankos, merlot and cabernet. Spiced "bermet" is also produced in the Versec area, which is a rare delicacy wine of the Szerémség and Banát region, and each producer "flavors" it with herbs according to their knowledge and experience. 

Zaveštaj (Heritage) winery:

Somogyi Winery, Aradi (Аradac):

Podrum Janošik Winery Aradi (Аradac): 

Vinarija Vinik Versec (Vršac):  

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