The ePincekönyv system was launched on June 1

It is important information for the actors of the grape and wine sector that the next phase of the introduction of the new Hungarian wine regulation, which will result in a simpler and faster administration, started on June 2022, 1. The application of the new administrative logic is now available, as well as the possibility of electronic administration for producers. The full spectrum of the renewed regulation will not come into force until August 2022. A one-year transition period will help prepare for the new rules, which came into force on 1 August last year. In the first 10 months of this, the old administrative procedure will still apply, and the new administrative rules will only come into force in the last 2 months of the transitional period, from 2022 June 1. At the same time, the IT background of the sectoral administration (eg viticulture, harvesting, certificates of origin, marketing) will be provided by the eWinery system. During this period, e-government tasks will be optional for all actors in the sector. From the entry into force, non-small-scale wine producers and users of plantations of more than 3 hectares (based on an average of 10 years) will be required to administer the administration electronically, while smaller producers will still have the option of personal administration with the mountain judge. An exception to the obligation of electronic administration is the keeping of a professional-excise register, formerly a cellar book. Keeping this register online will only be mandatory for wine licensees selling more than 3 hl of wine products per year (average of 20 years). The introduction of the new administrative rules in June 000 will thus be in line with the wine market year, which runs from 2022 August to 1 July of the following year, and will help the players in the sector to apply the new administrative rules. The amendment follows consultations with wine growers and wineries. 

Details of the new calf legislation a page for detailed information.

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(AM Press Office) 

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